Prince George and Area Pet Memorial Park’s
Private Pet Cremation Guarantee
How do you protect your animal? It’s simple. Our guarantee that your companion animal is privately cremated with a cremation guarantee
in Prince George:
• Witness the cremation personally, which can certainly be arranged at your request
The duration of the burn is dependent on several factors:
- The animal’s age – younger animals usually have greater bone density than older ones.
- The sex of the animal – males generally have a greater bone density than females.
- The physical size of the animal – large animals will take longer to cremate than small ones.
- Burn temperature - the hotter the cremation oven, the less ash there will be.
- Burn period – the longer the burn period, the less ash there will be produced.
- Similarly, the shorter the burn, the more ash there will be.
Be assured that your pet will be handled properly during all aspects of the cremation process. As pet owners and animal lovers ourselves, the Prince George & Area Pet Memorial Park would expect no less in the treatment of our beloved friends. Whether privately cremated or communally buried, each and every companion is treated with the dignity and respect they worked hard, in their own way, to earn.
This is our personal promise and our personal guarantee.